Tuesday 4 September 2012

Monday 3rd September

Just one of the many huge houses

we saw in Romania

A sad day today in many ways as I say goodbye to Taz & Joel, at least until they arrive for their house sit near Haverfordwest at the end of the month. Sad also as I turn for home after 3 fantastic months on the road and head back to what passes for reality, who knows just what awaits me on my return to my little cottage in Pumpsaint. Hopefully it’s still standing and hasn’t been completely taken over by spiders… I’m sure the grass will be knee high and the drive will be it’s usual muddy, slippery self!

It’s quite strange the way I’ve been able to shut myself off from such potential disasters whilst on the road, in fact if it wasn’t for a few texts and the odd Skype call, I would be completely unaware of what has transpired in my absence. I’ve managed not to see any news whatsoever; I missed the Olympics; I avoided what sounds to have been one of the worst summers ever! Yes, I certainly picked a good time to be away. However, it’s not over yet as I have something like 2000 miles to cover before I get home to Wales, and I’m going to make sure I enjoy every one of them. I’ve got nearly two weeks of travelling left, in which time I’m hoping to see the Church of Bones at Kutna Gora, stop off at Prague, call in to see friends in Germany, Kent and Northampton plus whatever else comes my way on the journey. As Jack London wrote “ I shall not waste my days try to prolong them; I will use my time”

After parting with Taz and Joel yesterday at Valea Lui Mihai in Romania, I crossed the border into Hungary. The crossing was straight forward enough although the border police breathalize every driver entering the country in accordance with their zero tolerance policy to alcohol ; thankfully I passed!

It never fails to amaze me just how different everything becomes as soon as one enters a new country. The housing density was much less, there was a more open feeling to the landscape and, well, everything just looked that little bit different to the other side of the borderline! The roads, although not major category roads were straight and well surfaced, so with less traffic to contend with than in Romania, I made fairly good progress whilst still keeping my speed to around 80-90kph.
Mid afternoon I stopped for a Coke by a huge fishing lake, I was glad of the rest as I never seem to stop as much when riding alone. By the time I started to look for a camp site I was about 200km into Hungary, making a total of around 300km for the day, and approaching the Matra mountains. My GPS suggested a few camp sites in the area and I choose the closest at a littler place called Matrafured. Approaching the campsite I had a bit of a sinking feeling; I had become used to the freedom and peace of wild camps but this place looked huge and rather run down. It was part of a holiday complex Urgh! Not my cup of tea at all, but it would suffice for one night. Enquiring at reception as to the cost, there was a bit of a discussion between the young thing at the desk and what I took to be owner; my heat sank when a price of 2000 Florints was given. I beat a hasty retreat to the bike to retrieve my iphone and the XE currency convertor app; Ah!, not so bad it worked out at just £5.55 or for another 55p I could have the use of a 6 bed cabin and save the trouble of even getting my tent out; bargain!

The cabins looked like Butlins Circa 1959!

The cabin looked rather run down as I approached, in fact the whole pack of them looked ready for demolition. However, inside it was spotless with the six beds all made up with fresh white linen and whilst not ensuite, the toilets and showers , only a short walk away, were brand new and once again spotless; and all for £6.00. I slept well inspite of the very warm night air even up here at about 500m, but then this had been the most mileage I had covered in weeks!

But at least the facilities were new and clean!

My only problem was that I had gained an hour as I crossed to Hungary from Romania so my body clock chose to wake me at 5am!!! Oh well, a nice early start for me today, destination hopefully somewhere in Slovakia by nightfall.

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