Friday 19 April 2013

God Speed Tanya

After a really hard day and a virtually sleepless night on call, Tanya is on her way to Banjul Airport. She is meeting her parents who fly in today for a tw week holiday. God know, Tanya deserves a good break from the stress and strain of day to day life in the Maternity Unit and Operating Theatre at Bansang. As a young obstetric surgeon she has done so much, coped with so many problems and worked so hard over the last 3 months, all with a smile and her radiant good humour shining through.
She didn’t return from Theatre until about 5.30 this morning and as I came into the house from my little bed on the verandah at about 6, she was just making tea. A quick cuppa and I saw her up to the road with her bags to catch the next Gella Gella. We didn’t have to wait long as no sooner had I put her bag down, along it trundled. I hope she has a good journey but fear sleep wont be easy on one of these overcrowded wrecks that pass for public transport out here. You only have to look at the bent bodywork that they boast, to get an idea of the standard of driving and of course now they have a nice flat black-top for most of the way, they drive far, far faster than they are used to or is safe. God Speed Tanya.
Whilst I don’t generally see a lot of Tanya as she is always either working on at the SEN school on the internet, the houst seems strangely quiet without her as I sit and eat breakfast, drink my 3rd cup of tea and contemplate the day ahead…

Yesterday was very busy for me and I don’t see that changing much today. I am now starting to push Morro along as there is still so much to do inspite of the Herculean efforts of his Merry Men!  It’s funny how people who struggle to do their own jobs efficiently flock to watch ( and hinder) someone else work! Yesterday I took the proverbial bull by the horns and got stuck in to a few of the silly little jobs that were left to do in Malnutrition as I have told everybody that I want it complete and ready for re-occupation today ! That might be a tall order however as it will involve moving about 400 sq mts of tiles that Morro has had stacked in there since they arrived from the coast earlier in the week. If nothing else it might concentrate a few minds.

I have had a few comments that many of the pics I post here show men either sitting in open windows or wheelbarrows. Let me assure you dear readers that when Morro’s guys take a break it is because they have been working very hard in intense heat since before 8 in the morning and most nights they don’t finish until gone 6pm. Contrast that with the Maintenance Unit who wander in to start brewing Ataya at anything from 8.30 to 9.30, nock off for breakfast just after 10 and by 2pm are sitting around complaining that it is too hot to do any more. More? I could point to a handful at least whose only movement during the day is either to find a better shady spot in which to sleep or to take more Ataya! On a more positive note my usual guys over there are working well with you-know-who still keeping a conspicuous absence. Bunja has now not only reinforced all the weak “charity” beds that are in use, but has also managed to repair 9 out of the 10 that had been consigned to the scrap heap. Just goes to show what can be done with a little leadership!!!  Whilst Julday our plumber man is scurrying around repairing things left right and centre and Musa is STILL up in the Mite House loft try to get rid of the last of the Bat shit.


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